Recent content by Bambooza

  1. Bambooza

    Firebird and Nursa announced

    And that's why you need the kraken
  2. Bambooza

    The Outside: The Philosophical Hyjack Thread

    I have to imagine as the further one gets from such events the more it gets distorted and the less it matters. As for @NaffNaffBobFace you do bring up some valid points in the amount of data generated and lost daily. But most of that data is irrelevant as what you and i write as might as we...
  3. Bambooza

    Firebird and Nursa announced

    Can't wait to see how many can fit in a m2. Makes for an interesting ground tactic.
  4. Bambooza

    Polaris at Invictus Pictures (even some from the inside)

    They were pretty clear it was going to be released with the patch for iae. Which is after cc in November. Which make since as cc is slated to bring Pyro and 4.0 with server mesh which really will be needed for the servers to handle having players flying Polaris around.
  5. Bambooza

    Firebird and Nursa announced

    as much fun as the Nursa announcement is. Polaris is ~5 months away.
  6. Bambooza

    Respawn mechanics change! Good or bad?

    Ya, i agree master modes is not going away anytime soon it's a poorly implemented compromise between dogfights and allowing players to travel quickly between locations. Some other suggestions I have seen that would have worked far more intuitive and that would have been to utilize the power...
  7. Bambooza

    Firebird and Nursa announced

    I honestly like the look of the firebird just not sure how well it's going to last after it launches it's two salvos and is now out of missiles and needs to go back to an Idris to rearm.
  8. Bambooza


    Shhh.... i need targets and all of them HH captions will make such beautiful fireworks.
  9. Bambooza

    Well the Gold Standard Tali is in the 3.23.1 PTU.

    Honestly I'm just glad they did not noticeably change the silhouette of the ship. It has always been one of my favorite.
  10. Bambooza

    The Outside: The Philosophical Hyjack Thread

    Yes tracking flu and deaths associated with it is a very new phenomenon. But that mostly comes from the understanding of diseases and what they are. But even still things like the spreading of diseases across North and South America from the European explorers is not well understood or even...
  11. Bambooza

    The Outside: The Philosophical Hyjack Thread

    I honestly don't know. Covid19 in the way of a viral outbreak was unique not so much in regards to the infection cost but in regards to the global response and economic fallout. Compare to the history of the Roman empire and that was near 2000 years ago.
  12. Bambooza

    I can't seem to get any frame rate at all in 3.23

    Years ago they moved them into their own folders. Haven’t heared of it being an issue in years .
  13. Bambooza

    I can't seem to get any frame rate at all in 3.23

    Hudson dropping the rez to 1080 doesn't help and the drivers are the latest? Is there any thermal issues with either the cpu or graphics card? There are anumver of apps that will help you test against it. I'd also use Stat citizen bench tool to see how you compare
  14. Bambooza

    What Music Do You Listen To?

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