Recent content by Talonsbane

  1. Talonsbane

    Firebird and Nursa announced

    Isn't that what the Cutter ships are?
  2. Talonsbane

    OMG, ten years!

    Happy TESTiversary @maynard !!! May your hot beverages stay at least warm & cold beverages stay cold while consuming.
  3. Talonsbane

    WTS: F7A Mk 1 Veterans Day Military Hornet

    $6.50 would be a deal, 650lbs, not so much now that the F7A MKII has been released for free to those that played along with the XenoThreat event this time. I wish you good luck selling it, though most that want to sell things here tend to get to know us before trying to offer us anything to...
  4. Talonsbane

    I want Merch Hats!

    This is 1 reason that I HATE fashion & the clothing industry in general. To some degree, it seems as though so many manufacturers definitions of sizes changes from each other & then some of their clothes shrink more than others after being washed / cleaned. Which is why I always aim to have my...
  5. Talonsbane

    Firebird and Nursa announced

    My Firebird was a white 1996 V6 model that I jokingly called the Flaming Chicken, due to it only being a V6. Similar to this: She probably the main reason that I'm not a fan of Drake. Any time anything hit that front end, those headlight assemblies would break & until I could afford to have...
  6. Talonsbane

    Polaris First Impressions

    Yeah, based on what I've seen of the Endeavor so far, when fully kitted out, it won't surprise me if some of them aren't somewhere in length between a Jav & a Bengal. I used to believe that the Endeavor would be the last of the backlogged ships to be brought into the Verse before official...
  7. Talonsbane

    Firebird and Nursa announced

    I'm a fan of the shape of the Raven, so I'm enjoying the shape of the Firebird so far. As somebody that used to own & drive a Firebird car for several years, when I heard about this, my 1st thought was hoping it would come with a CIG equivalent of the Smokey & the Bandit Trans Am paint scheme...
  8. Talonsbane

    Firebird and Nursa announced

    It's a roll of Drake Tape?
  9. Talonsbane

    Polaris First Impressions

    I'm so glad that I've added a Polaris to my Exploration Pack that also currently includes my Carrack Expedition & Perseus as well as 2 others that I'm still looking into CCU upgrading into something suitable for the pack.
  10. Talonsbane

    Tired of your rifle not being able to identify in today's woke world?

    Interesting idea & design concept. I believe that I'd seen something similar hanging from the backs of pickups here & there, especially out in the countryside. Perhaps a key chain version would sell well, especially in those cities where the women tend to keep their man's ***** in their purses?
  11. Talonsbane

    ILW 2954 WB CCU watch

    I'm hoping that they'll bring back all of the daily WB sales during the finale.
  12. Talonsbane

    Shit new applicants are saying

    Seems as though we've got a few new recruits in need of fresh beverages. Cheers!
  13. Talonsbane

    Polaris at Invictus Pictures (even some from the inside)

    When CIG showed the silhouette of the Polaris at this past CitizenCon as 1 of the ships they planned on releasing this year, my gut feeling was that they'd hold it until the next CC as that would mark it's 8th anniversary from announcement & concept sale. IF CIG finishes it early, I won't be...
  14. Talonsbane

    New Whip Stats

    I'm glad that he added what he described as markers that show the level of skill in order to achieve that level for the ships. I'm still surprised by some of them though.
  15. Talonsbane


    I'm intrigued by this movie despite JLo being in it. That's saying a lot, almost a titansuit load.
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