Requesting the TEST bump!

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Good evening, my fellow TESTies. I am but a humble writer for our esteemed TESTie Times and I come with a simple request. I wrote The Aimless Expedition, which is a story currently running in The TESTie Times, and I posted it to Reddit as well today. It hasn't received many views (Posted it at a lull hour apparently),and it has now gotten a tad buried. Can I be so bold as to enlist the aid of my fellow miscreants and drunks to assist in getting this story out to the masses?

For just one upvote, a simple click of your mouse, you can bring joy and purpose to a poor writer in need. This universe that has brought us all together deserves to be breathed into full life for everyone to enjoy, forged from the imagination of its players long before the engineers will be able to deliver us the experience we have all been yearning for. Please help me spread the imagination! Do your best to see past the alpha, because Star Citizen is so much more than that... View:

Thank you for all of your kind upvote donations!
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