The last Disney Star Wars movie

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Nov 6, 2022
RSI Handle
My movie Rant!
I used to love going to the movies, I loved them so much I used to work at my local theater so I could watch all of them that came out. Now, you couldn't pay me to go to the theater and see new movies.
Now the Rant...
I would like to see a decent new star wars movie. Maybe from the Knights of the Old Republic era. I'm tired of this generations "girl power" characters, I want a return to the female protagonist like Ellen Ripley from Aliens, the old Princess Leia from Jedi, Pam Grier from Jackie Brown, the female characters from Serenity, and Dana Scully from the X-files. All strong, powerful, rememberable female characters and what new movies have given us are extremely dislikeable and hollow characters that show no growth or trials and are to fit an agenda that is failing everyone.


Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
I do love the 'girl power' movies that you referenced above, but I guess I don't see how more contemporary movies are all that different in respect to 'girl power'? Aside from some movies having less than stellar writing/dialogue/character development, I feel ok with the portrayal of strong and memorable female leads within the last decade or two. But I think there are plenty of good examples from Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Arya Stark, Michonne, and Jessica Jones for action movies/series. And the likes of Alicia Florrick from the Good Wife, Carrie Mathison from Homeland, and Veronica Mars from Veronica Mars for drama series.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think the difference in modern films’ distasteful portrayal of girl power as compared to decades past is that the most modern is based upon radical or third wave feminism, which has at its core not a desire for equality, but rage and compensatory justice against the patriarchy. It’s one thing to want equality and another to want to debase others. If you want to see the origins of this reference Mary Daly where she talks over and over at length about how she wants women to tap into their inner rage and hatred to empower them to seek change. That is nothing like the message of earlier feminists. The character Ripply in Aliens didn’t ever need to debase the men around her, nor even compete with them. She showed her own very feminine and unique strength and it was never even compared to that of the marines around her. That is healthy girl power.

Another problem with modern feminist portrayals is they often are not likable. Many feminists misunderstand what it is to be strong. So SheHulk beats men up for every perceived slight. Galadriel heartlessly orders men to their death for no purpose, and flings men twice her size in armor about as if they were rag dolls. Captain Marvel. . .no one likes her in or out of character. She’s just nasty. That is not a portrayal of heroic strength.

The simplest example I can give of radical feminism is the deprecation and humiliation of Luke Skywalker, and the paternalistic attitude granted him by Ray. She’s the adult in the room. Luke is the brooding, beaten, boy despite he is twice her age. The point is to deprecate and humiliate Luke, and make all his fans uncomfortable, as a form of compensatory justice. The need to deliver pain as a measure of compensation is right in that woman above’s own words. Her goal with this next film is to make men uncomfortable.

So I ask you, why should men go to that film? She’s telling us up front we won’t like it so fuck her, fuck the film, fuck Disney and fuck the horse they rode in on. I do not go to the theater to be made uncomfortable and that director is not my wicked step mother. I don’t need her discipline.

And just to be clear, modern feminism is not popular among women. Far fewer of them identify as feminists as did in the sixties and seventies. Mary Daly started writing in the early nineties. Women don’t like being taught to hate. As a consequence, unlike earlier feminism; modern feminism is especially popular with butt ugly women. Seriously, I’ve seen the stats. I just don’t recall them. Fuggly women who are never gonna get a date line up in droves for modern feminism. That’s not a recommend.
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Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
Disagree. To me feminism = feminism (1st, 2nd, 3rd wave, or otherwise). Feminism to me is that women want to be treated the same as men...period. So, the best way to illustrate this is to ask yourself if L. Skywalker was always a 'female' and Ray was always a 'male' character in the Star Wars movies, would you have the same distaste for the scene you described? In other words, would you be espousing radical masculinity as a great injustice to women because Skywalker was depreciated and humiliated due to Ray's attitude?

Keep in mind, the scene has not changed in any way - only the sex of the character. If your view of how offended you are about the scene changes, maybe you should ask yourself why that is?

Personally I did not like the movie, but yet my sense of masculinity was not threatened by a movie scene where a male character had a sense of emotional depth whereas the female character was more sure footed and voiced her opinion.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
If Kathleen Kennedy had a twisted need to humiliate female characters, and did to Leah what she did to Luke, then absolutely I would be just as angry about it.

With all due respect, placing the words “to me” before a sentence does not grant you permission to define however you like. There are no philosophers who consider Mary Daly to be anything other than a “radical feminist”. These things are facts whether you agree or not.

I suggest if you want to disagree, read some of Mary Daly first. I think you’d be very surprised to find I have represented her philosophy very accurately and without bias. Contrast this against Gloria Steinem who spearheaded Second Wave feminism in the 60’s and 70’s, and who never recommended hatred in any way.

Just as a personal side note: in 1993 I was in graduate studies in philosophy at Portland State University. It was and is considered the second most Leftist university in the country, and the entire philosophy department staff were militant atheists graduated from University of Washington. We were all feminists. At least we thought we were.

One day a pair of professors were discussing unusual events. Seems they had literally been run out of a class in Women’s Studies. I was shocked so decided to sit in on one myself. Truth is I did not believe the story. I presumed instead that the professor of the class did not want to be judged by two other professors. I was wrong.

When I entered (all philosophy classes are open attendance to philosophy students), everyone in the class looked at me as if I were mad. Before class started, the professor informed me that the women present did not feel safe with me in the room and asked me to leave. Not wanting to be a problem I did so in some shock. BTW, I was wearing a wedding ring and had not approached any of these women in any way. I have since realized what they did not feel safe about was teaching hatred of men in front of men.

Six years later, Mary Daly (who was being taught in the class), was fired from her teaching position of 33 years at Boston College, for running male students out of her classroom. You can read about it here at wiki. Note that wiki lists her tradition as “radical feminist” and that this is indeed how Daly characterized herself. Kathleen Kennedy and Disney are firmly embedded in this tradition or “camp”. If Disney were supporting a more traditional feminism, none of us would have issues with what has been done to Star Wars and no one would be complaining. In short, if Disney were tanked up on traditional feminism, there would be no talk of the joy of making men uncomfortable.

The central difference between traditional feminism and radical feminism is that radicals are taught and conditioned to hate. This is how they earned the moniker “feminazis.”

If you want an explanation for how tens of thousands of kids revolted and burned over 700 towns and cities across the US in 2020, this is your explanation. If you want to understand how thousands of students have been in the streets supporting the massacre of Jews in Israel, this is the explanation. It is all the “Blank Studies” classes teaching hatred. The women are taught to hate men. The Blacks are taught to hate Whites. Everyone is taught to hate Jews. We have three generations whose entitlement and adolescent self-righteousness is off the charts. Teachers have been telling elementary school kids to be the solution without explaining the real problems. We are doing this now for over thirty years, just as they did in the Weimar Republic. We are teaching children to hate. That is how you make radicals. Precisely this is what led to WWII and the deaths of 55 million people.

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So back to the point she was making. What the director says she’ll be saying to men with this film:

“. . .recognize that I am working to bring something that makes you uncomfortable, and it should make you uncomfortable, because you need to change your attitude. . .”

Really, Disney? All these flops and this is what you come up with. . .group therapy by an unlicensed practitioner?

The up side is a year from now, if he wants, George Lucas can buy the property back at 1/10 what he sold it for. We can always hope. George has expressed an interest in buying back Star Wars. Wouldn’t it be great to have a post-Disney Star Wars era?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think it would need to be the largest crowd funding in history. Lucas got $4B when he sold. To buy it before this next film you might have to pay near that much.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
“Of course she’s going to pick an activist with no fictional film making experience, To direct a sci-fi action movie with a nine figure budget, In one of the most beloved franchises in the world, at a time when the franchise, at a time when the franchise is at its lowest period in history. Losing money is just good business here in goofyland.


Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Do what they may with Star Wars, they will undoubtedly overcorrect by casting Dwayne The Rock Johnson to play Sunshine Sparkle in the upcoming My Little Pony project. They're good at missing the mark by a mile.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Daisy Ridley (Rey aka Marysue Palpatine) is currently running defense for her career by saying normal human things instead of what propagating the "message" would dictate. This is being largely misinterpreted by the usual youtube pundits as attacking Disney and "being on our side"...
She isn't. She never really said controversial things either way. She thought she was getting the dream job, instead got handed some terrible cards with the sequels, and even if she is not a great actress, she seems smart enough to try and stay out of the thick of the shit flinging.
How this will play out after Her movies I dunno. Currently I doubt any of it will even happen.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Daisy Ridley (Rey aka Marysue Palpatine) is currently running defense for her career by saying normal human things instead of what propagating the "message" would dictate. This is being largely misinterpreted by the usual youtube pundits as attacking Disney and "being on our side"...
She isn't. She never really said controversial things either way. She thought she was getting the dream job, instead got handed some terrible cards with the sequels, and even if she is not a great actress, she seems smart enough to try and stay out of the thick of the shit flinging.
How this will play out after Her movies I dunno. Currently I doubt any of it will even happen.
It's so sad cause cause if the writing and directing were any good she could have been a decent enough actress to carry the franchise forward. It's not like we want deep meaning and a overwhelming sophisticated plot. Just a basic heros journey arc would have been enough. Throw in some pitfalls and struggles moments of close calls and scars of those lessons would have been enough. Being untrained she should have her ass handed to her by kylo ren. It should have created the moment for a redemption arc, especially if she lost a friend at that battle and the first movie ended there. Have the second movie start off with them regrouping only to once again be pushed off balance fleeing from the armada. Make the whole casino planet side quest take off as a small squad able to sneak off the planet being blockade.

None of this is original but it doesn't matter. Most of the dislike is not due to who played the lead role but because the story was garbage as more of a fanfiction wish fullfillment.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
It's so sad cause cause if the writing and directing were any good she could have been a decent enough actress to carry the franchise forward. It's not like we want deep meaning and a overwhelming sophisticated plot. Just a basic heros journey arc would have been enough. Throw in some pitfalls and struggles moments of close calls and scars of those lessons would have been enough. Being untrained she should have her ass handed to her by kylo ren. It should have created the moment for a redemption arc, especially if she lost a friend at that battle and the first movie ended there. Have the second movie start off with them regrouping only to once again be pushed off balance fleeing from the armada. Make the whole casino planet side quest take off as a small squad able to sneak off the planet being blockade.

None of this is original but it doesn't matter. Most of the dislike is not due to who played the lead role but because the story was garbage as more of a fanfiction wish fullfillment.
Yep, exactly.
I said it many times and I'll say it again, Maverick did it the way SW should have. It's dumb, and doesn't have deep meaning, but it did give us the old heroes we knew (what a sendoff to Val Kilmer, RIP), they gave us new faces to like and more importantly to root for! They could even start a new trilogy even with them, I wouldn't mind the least bit! With that crew they did check all the racist/sexist boxes that need to be checked in Hollywood these days, yet they managed to make em all normal or even likeable (yes they are kinda shallow stereotypes, and that's exactly why there's nothing wrong with em), and they handed over the stick in style.
Put in the old SW crew, as we all wanted to see and never got to see, let em hand over the franchise with pride and dignity, and we would've been happy. Instead they had to totally degrade all of em thinking that would make the newcomers look better and likable. So we ended up with the trash we got, with actors who are instead of reveling in their roles are now trying to ignore it or outright bash it upon mentioning (last I heard neither Kylo nor Boyega had any kind words about their time at Disney SW).

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So unverified word is, that Disney has parked the Daisy Ridley Star Wars project for now. That’s a significant advance over the hot mess made of public relations over the Ridley issue. I guess we’ll see what we see.

There was a statement by Disney about a month ago, that they were now intending to steer clear of woke and other trendy politics. This could be some of that. I guess we’ll see.
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Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
And just to be clear, modern feminism is not popular among women. Far fewer of them identify as feminists as did in the sixties and seventies. Mary Daly started writing in the early nineties. Women don’t like being taught to hate. As a consequence, unlike earlier feminism; modern feminism is especially popular with butt ugly women. Seriously, I’ve seen the stats. I just don’t recall them. Fuggly women who are never gonna get a date line up in droves for modern feminism. That’s not a recommend.
What the fuck?

Disagree. To me feminism = feminism (1st, 2nd, 3rd wave, or otherwise). Feminism to me is that women want to be treated the same as men...period. So, the best way to illustrate this is to ask yourself if L. Skywalker was always a 'female' and Ray was always a 'male' character in the Star Wars movies, would you have the same distaste for the scene you described? In other words, would you be espousing radical masculinity as a great injustice to women because Skywalker was depreciated and humiliated due to Ray's attitude?

Keep in mind, the scene has not changed in any way - only the sex of the character. If your view of how offended you are about the scene changes, maybe you should ask yourself why that is?

Personally I did not like the movie, but yet my sense of masculinity was not threatened by a movie scene where a male character had a sense of emotional depth whereas the female character was more sure footed and voiced her opinion.
Moar women being useful pl0x! Gives me hope.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Well you could try reading. That helps with the ignorance condition. You are projecting your vast ignorance onto the issue when just thirty seconds searching online will convince you that: a) “modern feminism co-opts its ideals from black and queer feminist theories”, and b) “modern feminism is no longer about equality” and c) just as I said, modern feminism is based upon hatred. It is therefore toxic whereas first and second wave feminism are not.

You should not share your opinion if all you own is ignorance. This is the way life is and it does not matter to anyone but you if you haven’t figured it out.


Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Well you could try reading. That helps with the ignorance condition. You are projecting your vast ignorance onto the issue when just thirty seconds searching online will convince you that: a) “modern feminism co-opts its ideals from black and queer feminist theories”, and b) “modern feminism is no longer about equality” and c) just as I said, modern feminism is based upon hatred. It is therefore toxic whereas first and second wave feminism are not.

You should not share your opinion if all you own is ignorance. This is the way life is and it does not matter to anyone but you if you haven’t figured it out.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Just to be clear, and fair to Daisy Ridley, there’s nothing about her performance nor public face that offends. Just because we’re referring to the latest trilogy of movies as hers doesn’t mean anyone blames her for the stench in the films. Her acting is good. I’m not personally attracted to her nor was I to Carrie Fisher. I’m not super thrilled by those characters but their portrayal was fine.

What people are objecting to in the Ridley films is the Kennedy influence—the radical feminist who just had to debase Luke by making him a whiner and looser, mopping green milk out of his beard between complaints to Ridley’s character that he just can’t manage. It’s not Ridley’s character that was attacked and debased. It was Luke Skywalker—the guy George Lucas says is the greatest Jedi who ever lived.


Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Rey; An utterly unrelatable Disney perfectionist

Luke; literally complained & screwed up his way into our hearts throughout the original trilogy. He even fucked killing Palpatine.

He literally was a whiner & a loser, that's why we loved him.
So.. take a chill pill aighttt
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